

Born in Nagano Prefecture in 1977, lives in Nagano.
After graduating from Tokyo Designer Gakuin College of
Illustration, completed the course of painting at Kodansha
Famous Schools in 2011.
Received the “Kodansha Famous Schools Art Contest”
Encouragement Award in 2015.

After working on illustrations using digital software such as
Photoshop, he also started painting with oil paintings.
He is still active in digital and analog.

The character design of the Japanese illustration that the author
has been familiar with,
We will compose the screen by making a flat space of traditional
Japanese painting.

With the theme of a world view that evokes nostalgia, while
incorporating the design and taste of old things that are no longer
used, the child’s gaze looking in loneliness evokes the old
memories of each viewer and at the same time creates an
opportunity to look at the present.